Deflating the Bubble Around Your Kids
Or else it will be popped at the most inconvenient time you can imagine
You can’t let your kids live in a bubble. Eventually, it will be popped by something beyond your control and they will have to deal with the outside world. If your children need to walk around with a fainting couch, just in case they hear someone use a bad word, you have failed as a parent.
Better to introduce the outside world to them on your own terms. This takes discipline, wisdom, and patience. Not easy, but doable, as long as you don’t mind doing it imperfectly.
If you are training your kids to jump safely off of walls, you don’t start with the tallest wall you can find. You start with a stool. Then a stepladder. Gradually, they get stronger.
Of course, there is a limit. No matter how strong and confident they get, you don’t want them jumping off the top of 3-story buildings. You need the wisdom to know the difference between a stool and a building, and you need patience so you don’t rush the process or get frustrated.
What is the easiest way to do this?