The One Way to Lift Up Other Fathers
Modern society hates fathers.
It tears us down at every chance it gets. Fathers are always the butt of jokes and they are always being emasculated in modern media.
The idea of honoring one’s father is laughable. Even though we have a day to do so, Father’s Day, it simply doesn’t have the gravitas or intention of Mother’s Day.
In fact, step into any given church on that day, and you are more likely to see the preacher disparaging fathers instead of honoring them.
The modern world hates any kind of authority in general and so it is no surprise that it hates fathers. It hates their potential. It hates their importance. We are in the middle of one long patricide.
How do we fight back against this tide?
First, we work toward the goal of more people honoring God the Father, and some of that attitude will cascade down for those who share the name “father.”
Second, in our daily life, we ensure we are not undercutting our fellow fathers’ authority. There is one question you can ask that cuts to the heart of the matter.
What is that question?
“What does your father think?”
This should be your first question for any person who comes to you for advice, especially if they are younger.
Should they wear that outfit?
“What does your father think?”
What school should they go to?
“What does your father think?”
Should they get a tatoo?
“What does your father think?”
Having trouble deciding on a career path?
“What does your father think?”
And if they don’t know, you should urge them that their next step should be to find out exactly what their father thinks.
Fathers have the ultimate responsibility for their household, and we should act as if that were true.
The corollary to this question is similar.
“What does your husband think?”
If a young wife comes to you agonizing over a decision, desperate for advice, your first question to her should be: “What does your husband think?”
And if she doesn’t know, the conversation should stop right there, until she does know.
Young men, in particular, flock to actions and areas where they perceive they will get respect. It is not whether a man will pursue glory or not, but rather which glory he will pursue.
If we want our young men to take up the responsibility of being a father, we need to show respect to the men who have already taken up that responsibility.
And asking the right question, at the right time, is one great way to do that.
The post The One Way to Lift Up Other Fathers first appeared on Foundation Father.