Anonymous social media provides cover for trolls and offers the sweet drug of false bravery. Some see themselves as edgelords of epic proportions and love that there is no accountability for what they write.
Others may use social media as a way to retreat from real problems in their life. A guy might be browbeaten by his wife and disrespected by his kids at home, so he lashes out online and acts the big man. He can beligerate and role play as a stronger man than he really is.
But there are some good things about it. If you and why It also provides a needed shield for men who want to push discourse in a certain direction while covering the potential downsides of such behavior. They have jobs to protect and families to feed.
It can also be useful for developing a platform or brand for future endeavors.
If you’re going to be anonymous, here is how to do it right.
1. Have real people in your life who know who you are
Your friends, at least, should know who you are and what you're doing. If you don't have friends you can trust with this information, get off social media and make some actual friends.
Are you embarrassed about your friends finding out? That’s a huge red flag. Check your own motives. You’re not a lone man in the wilderness, holding off a horde of barbarians, saving civilization one tweet at a time. You’re posting content online. Get over yourself.
2. Have a purpose beyond "posting controversial stuff"
You should have a clear purpose and measure of success. You should not want to just stir the pot and make people mad. You are building an audience for....what exactly? Have a mission. If you don't have one, get off social and find one.
What are you good at? If you don’t think you’re good at anything, get off social media and practice something real.
3. Don't post things you would never say in real life to someone face to face
This is not a demand to go public. It is a call to discernment. If you ever get doxxed, you should be able to stand tall and say, "I meant every word, and I would write those words again." Don’t pretend to be a completely different person.
But so many people use anonymity like a serial killer uses a hammer. They’re rude. They’re obnoxious. Then when someone dares to block them, they consider it a victory.
Don't use your anon account to stir up unnecessary strife.