What Do Your Children Feel When They Hear Your Voice?
If they feel dread, you have some work to do
When you call your child’s name, what is his first reaction? Fear? Dread? Annoyance? Every time you call them, is it usually a positive experience or a negative experience? Do you only call them when they are in trouble?
A father’s voice should mean strength, comfort, and joy above all else. They should expect good things. Sometimes harsh words and discipline are called for, but those should be smothered by how many times you called them over to give them an encouraging word. If the only time they get attention from you is when they are in trouble, expect them to be in trouble more and more. Because they want your attention. They crave it. They will do whatever they can to grab it.
It can be argued that most of our culture’s problems come from fatherless people trying to get attention from some sort of father figure.
Picture your voice making deposits and withdrawals. Every time you listen to them, spend time with them or encourage them, these fill up the account. Every harsh word makes a withdrawal. Don’t suck them dry.
Find more excuses to call out their name for good things. Call them over to thank them for a job well done. Call them over to just give them a hug. Call them over to say you are going on a surprise trip to buy some ice cream. Call them over to say you are proud of them. Call them over to encourage them through a tough time, or ask if you can do anything to help.
And when you do need to give the gift of correction, they will know, in their bones, you want the best for them.