A Garden Untended is Not a Garden
Many fathers don’t tend to the garden of their family and then get mad when it doesn’t bear any fruit. Years of neglect, and they are surprised at the thorns and thistles that greet them.
The sluggard does not plow in the autumn; he will seek at harvest and have nothing.
Proverbs 20:4
Children are not automatic blessings. They require care.
You must prepare the soil. You must sow the seed. You must water with care. You must defend against weeds and wild animals.
If you fail to do these things, why would you expect a harvest?
A father who spends no time with his children will seek time later…and get nothing.
A father who does not discern what his children are watching will seek virtuous children…and get nothing.
A father who has no kind words for his children will seek help in times of trouble…and get nothing.
A father who has not sat down to eat with his children will seek a full table at Thanksgiving…and get nothing.
A father who never plays with his children will seek out grandchildren to play with…and get nothing.
A father who ignores warning signs and refuses to discipline will seek out consolation in his old age…and get nothing.
A garden untended is not a garden.
So don’t expect a harvest of anything but weeds.
The post A Garden Untended is Not a Garden first appeared on Foundation Father.